Loneliness is a real problem.

Especially in the post-covid world.

You're in your room, scrolling non-pause for the next hit of something that will take your mind off of... Off of what? You've spent so much time being lonely and tried avoiding that problem. Now, even if you want to meet people you find yourself wondering... How the heck do I even do that? You don't know how to find the people who are interested in you. You don't know how you can even get out of a room without freezing about your social anxiety. You feel stuck in your life, trapped inside of yourself.

It's not like you didn't try things.

There are life pro tips and personality hacking material available on the internet. They keep emphasizing how you're currently lacking. Maybe you need to just be more attractive and confident. Maybe you just need to care more about your looks. How about using manipulative social tactics to influence other people? 

Deep down, you know you don't want to be a slimy fake person just for the sake of meeting people. But at the same time you don't know how other people can possibly be attracted to you with your vulnerabilities and insecurities. 

Some times you get lucky and you do find relationships, but because you can't be yourself... Because you believe you're not good enough... You find yourself lonely inside of your relationship.

Meet more people, being yourself:

A relationship course that works even without changing who you are.

    1. Intro: What this course is about, and not about

    2. What is the formula? Quantity x Quality

    3. More Important Intro: 3 key points BEFORE diving into the content

    1. Meet lots of people, instead of...

    2. Meeting lots of people will...

    3. But meeting lots of people is hard because...

    4. Addendum: Fear of rejection

    5. Addendum: On looks and feeling inferior with league difference

    6. Workbook: How to actually meet lots of people

    1. Be genuine and authentic, instead of...

    2. Being genuine and authentic will...

    3. But being genuine authentic is hard because...

    4. Addendum: Recovering from a COVID world

    5. Workbook: Overcoming vulnerabilities

    6. Workbook: What you like

    1. Be responsible for your own happiness instead of...

    2. Being responsible for your own happiness will...

    3. Being responsible for your own happiness is hard because...

About this course

  • $19.99
  • 18 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

What's special about this course?

This course isn't about social hacks or best practices on changing yourself. It's about connecting with the magnetic, charismatic, attractive qualities already inside of you.

  • Be able to go outside and invite 10 people into hanging out with you, stress-free

  • Look at the mirror and see someone you love and respect looking back at you, instead of someone you're ashamed of

  • Be unbothered by rejections and judgments from other people, no matter what they say or think

Meet your instructor

Billy Seol

I'm a life coach who worked with client after client on the same topic: relationships and loneliness. After spending time helping clients in 1:1 work to deal with their loneliness, I discovered a pattern that holds all of these clients back. I want to give you this pattern to use it for your life, because you know your life the best. 

I always tackle the root cause of problems, whether it be social anxiety or procrastination. My clients love me for solving their life in such a short amount of time. Find that authentic July Life Coach experience in this course, for just $19.99. Because this is going to be the best 20 dollars you spend on yourself, even if you can't believe it right now.


“Billy has a way of creating a safe space to talk. I really needed that, someone who didn't tell me I had xyz wrong with me. Instead he listened and taught me to look at my past with compassion rather than with criticism.”

Client CT

“I used to believe that coaching was a scam and that therapy was a slow, mostly useless, thing that people do in order to feel good about themselves. Then one day, exasperated by my problems, I sought therapy. Only to find that I couldn't afford it. By a miraculous event I meet Billy. I thought that the process would have taken a year, surely no less than seven months. It took barely two. Work on yourself with the same passion and love that Billy works and your life will improve before you can realize it.”

Client VR

“I didn't expect this at all but this was better than every therapy session I've ever went to. ”

Client KS

Invest in your relationships

because you can stop being lonely today.